Column-oriented GPU-accelerated Database Management System

In this section, we provide a short getting started guide for using CoGaDB. Furthermore, we list the available commands of CoGaDB's command line interface. Finally, we present a short demo of the SQL Interface to show its current capabilities.

Getting Started

At first, we have to create a directory, where CoGaDB can store its database:

set path_to_database=/home/DATA/coga_databases/ssb_sf1

Then, we have to create a database and import data. This can be done in two ways: using the sql interface (create table, insert into), or using a utility command. CoGaDB supports utility commands for importing databases from two common OLAP benchmarks: the TPC-H and the Star Schema Benchmark. Note that you have to generate the *.tbl files using the dbgen tool. Assuming we have generated a database for the star schema benchmark of scale factor one and stored the resulting *.tbl files in /home/DATA/benchmarks/star_schema_benchmark/SF1/, we can import the data with the following command:

create_ssb_database /home/DATA/benchmarks/star_schema_benchmark/SF1/

For the TPC-H benchmark, the command is create_tpch_database.

Now CoGaDB imports the data and stores them in the database. Depending on the scale factor, this can take a while. After the import finishes, we can start working with the database. Since CoGaDB is an in-memory database, we first have to load the database in the main memory:


Then, we can start issuing queries. We can either use SQL or build in aliases for stored queries. We provide stored queries for all queries of the star schema benchmark. The template command is ssbXY, which executes SSB-Query X.Y (X has to be a number between 1 and 4; Y has to be a number between 1 and 3 except when X is 3, in this case 4 is valid for Y as well).

Sometimes, when no NVIDIA GPU is available, we need to restrict CoGaDB to use only the CPU. We can configure this by issuing the following command:

setdevice cpu

If we want to allow CoGaDB to use both processing devices, we can replace cpu with any. It is also possible to force the usage of the GPU for all processing tasks by specifying gpu. However, this is NOT recommended, because for most complex queries, CoGaDB will not be able to perform all processing tasks on GPU only.

Scripting Language

CoGaDB offers a set of commands not included in SQL to ease development and debugging:

Command Description
loaddatabase loads complete database in main memory
unittests performs a self check of CoGaDB
printschema prints the schema of the active database
showgpucache prints status information of the GPU column cache
simple_ssb_queries simple demonstrator for queries on SSB Benchmark data set
set <variablename>=<variablevalue> assign the value <variablevalue> to the variable <variablename>
print <variable> print value of variable
create_tpch_database <path to *.tbl files> import tables of TPC-H benchmark in CoGaDB
create_ssb_database <path to *.tbl files> import tables of star schema benchmark in CoGaDB
exec <SQL statement>=""> Execute SQL statements
toggleQC Toggle the state of Query Chopping activation. Per default QC is off.
ssbXY Execute SSB-Query X.Y (X has to be a number between 1 and 4; Y has to be a number between 1 and 3 except when X is 3, in this case 4 is valid for Y as well)
setdevice <DEVICE> Sets the default device, which is used for execution. Possible values are 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'any' to use either the CPU or the GPU or both concurrently.
setparallelizationmode <PARALLELIZATION mode>=""> Sets the default parallelization mode for sub-plans generated during Two Phase Physical Optimization (TOPPO) in the second phase (currently only for complex selections). Valid values are 'serial' and 'parallel'
quit exits CoGaDB

CoGaDB has the following build in variables:

Variable Description
path_to_database absolute or relative path to directory where the database is stored

SQL Interface

CoGaDB supports a subset of the SQL-92 standard. We provide a short demo in the following to show the current capabilities of the SQL Interface. Note that we shortened the output of the following listings to the relevant information: query, result and execution time.

Lets first create a table:

CoGaDB>exec create table Test ( id int, val varchar);
|       ID      |       VAL     |       

0 rows

Execution Time: 0.27820 ms

Now we can insert data:

CoGaDB>exec insert into Test values (0,'Car');

|       ID      |       VAL     |       
|       0       |       Car     |       

1 rows

Execution Time: 0.21268 ms
CoGaDB>exec insert into Test values (1,'Truck');

|       ID      |       VAL     |       
|       0       |       Car     |       
|       1       |       Truck   |       

2 rows

Execution Time: 0.27443 ms
CoGaDB>exec insert into Test values (2,'Boat');

|       ID      |       VAL     |       
|       0       |       Car     |       
|       1       |       Truck   |       
|       2       |       Boat    |       

3 rows

Execution Time: 0.14750 ms
CoGaDB>exec insert into Test values (3,'Street');

|       ID      |       VAL     |       
|       0       |       Car     |       
|       1       |       Truck   |       
|       2       |       Boat    |       
|       3       |       Street  |       

4 rows

Execution Time: 0.16489 ms

Finally, we can query our table:

CoGaDB>select * from Test;
|       ID      |       VAL     |       
|       0       |       Car     |       
|       1       |       Truck   |       
|       1       |       Boat    |       
|       3       |       Street  |       

4 rows

Execution Time: 0.85918 ms
CoGaDB>exec select id from Test where val='Boat';
printing Lookup Table: projection( Lookup_Table_selection(TEST ) )

LookupTable 'projection( Lookup_Table_selection(TEST ) )':
Consist of 1 Tables:    TEST
|       ID      |       
|       2       |       

1 rows

Execution Time: 1.11014 ms

Now we show a more complex query typical for OLAP workloads. We execute query 2.1 from the Star Schema Benchmark:

CoGaDB>exec select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand from lineorder, dates, part, supplier where lo_orderdate = d_datekey and lo_partkey = p_partkey and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey and p_category = 'MFGR#12' and s_region = 'AMERICA' group by d_year, p_brand order by d_year, p_brand; 
groupby(sort( sort( concat( AGGREGATED( concat( AGGREGATED( concat( AGGREGATED( LINEORDER ),AGGREGATED( DATES ) ) ),AGGREGATED( Lookup_Table_selection(PART ) ) ) ),AGGREGATED( Lookup_Table_selection(SUPPLIER ) ) ) ) )):
|       D_YEAR  |       P_BRAND |       LO_REVENUE      |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#121        |       667692864.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1210       |       568029888.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1211       |       552505536.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1212       |       683486784.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1213       |       615323840.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1214       |       616843072.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1215       |       648939264.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1216       |       643585600.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1217       |       835229632.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1218       |       606804160.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1219       |       563125312.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#122        |       726185728.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1220       |       532641280.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1221       |       580700032.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1222       |       708154432.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1223       |       550780864.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1224       |       666115840.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1225       |       563126400.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1226       |       635218688.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1227       |       572245376.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1228       |       550885824.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1229       |       587150016.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#123        |       755098496.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1230       |       570770304.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1231       |       505686272.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1232       |       659162112.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1233       |       683613376.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1234       |       596447104.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1235       |       584148416.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1236       |       608850240.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1237       |       528499264.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1238       |       562479232.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1239       |       577189952.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#124        |       649797184.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#1240       |       746865280.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#125        |       645919104.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#126        |       584842496.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#127        |       597628800.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#128        |       605195072.000000        |       
|       1992    |       MFGR#129        |       614833024.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#121        |       665506048.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1210       |       665441408.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1211       |       574899776.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1212       |       622842688.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1213       |       537628480.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1214       |       599670464.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1215       |       620609024.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1216       |       582264448.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1217       |       676795200.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1218       |       589771328.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1219       |       585700032.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#122        |       777985856.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1220       |       466499840.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1221       |       521363104.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1222       |       659926656.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1223       |       594230976.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1224       |       793732096.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1225       |       549938432.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1226       |       642279680.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1227       |       602400640.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1228       |       719167744.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1229       |       592683968.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#123        |       669865856.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1230       |       611418880.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1231       |       529316096.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1232       |       690396992.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1233       |       594584960.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1234       |       721612864.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1235       |       638832704.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1236       |       506928448.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1237       |       557937984.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1238       |       489449408.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1239       |       626674944.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#124        |       622534656.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#1240       |       730419904.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#125        |       610593024.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#126        |       646904576.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#127        |       665004928.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#128        |       745828992.000000        |       
|       1993    |       MFGR#129        |       562984064.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#121        |       656155520.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1210       |       685700736.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1211       |       630536064.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1212       |       645472704.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1213       |       496881376.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1214       |       612419520.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1215       |       613483840.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1216       |       617308480.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1217       |       667483904.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1218       |       552667776.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1219       |       538198912.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#122        |       615424832.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1220       |       511932736.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1221       |       547157760.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1222       |       550635712.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1223       |       501827168.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1224       |       723810368.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1225       |       501363200.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1226       |       568169472.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1227       |       553443840.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1228       |       475284224.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1229       |       641371264.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#123        |       586263040.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1230       |       563001856.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1231       |       558960896.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1232       |       609120320.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1233       |       639189440.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1234       |       635021120.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1235       |       611832640.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1236       |       642980608.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1237       |       605569984.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1238       |       520323264.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1239       |       604578176.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#124        |       614092352.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#1240       |       826205376.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#125        |       561077120.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#126        |       641538880.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#127        |       765116352.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#128        |       589369344.000000        |       
|       1994    |       MFGR#129        |       535648736.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#121        |       564932672.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1210       |       514656608.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1211       |       602015232.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1212       |       603074304.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1213       |       536000608.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1214       |       562296576.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1215       |       560291520.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1216       |       733201536.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1217       |       766560320.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1218       |       642708032.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1219       |       526933600.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#122        |       536402560.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1220       |       585930560.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1221       |       530120032.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1222       |       666863360.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1223       |       641169408.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1224       |       703416896.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1225       |       555536256.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1226       |       664045760.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1227       |       581628928.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1228       |       687814208.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1229       |       683773888.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#123        |       665712000.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1230       |       579595456.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1231       |       580677312.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1232       |       754888320.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1233       |       529519200.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1234       |       651091008.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1235       |       666334336.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1236       |       647244672.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1237       |       589898944.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1238       |       513659008.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1239       |       630727744.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#124        |       549471168.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#1240       |       779785152.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#125        |       410181248.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#126        |       540122112.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#127        |       673853632.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#128        |       601863680.000000        |       
|       1995    |       MFGR#129        |       536371200.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#121        |       647097920.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1210       |       595542848.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1211       |       731875584.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1212       |       606629632.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1213       |       622169472.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1214       |       540875200.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1215       |       634117760.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1216       |       660828416.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1217       |       685095680.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1218       |       518528192.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1219       |       555762624.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#122        |       627830272.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1220       |       606140480.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1221       |       585609984.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1222       |       504108128.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1223       |       618574336.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1224       |       781443840.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1225       |       631089984.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1226       |       726889472.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1227       |       518373568.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1228       |       603695936.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1229       |       615060416.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#123        |       587953408.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1230       |       573470016.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1231       |       562430208.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1232       |       714332480.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1233       |       538853632.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1234       |       724594560.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1235       |       623234624.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1236       |       630860096.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1237       |       532629440.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1238       |       487116224.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1239       |       583815680.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#124        |       658011648.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#1240       |       835392960.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#125        |       535273024.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#126        |       583509568.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#127        |       546939456.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#128        |       564236928.000000        |       
|       1996    |       MFGR#129        |       569420864.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#121        |       631830528.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1210       |       668802624.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1211       |       590431680.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1212       |       657789760.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1213       |       607511872.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1214       |       546360192.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1215       |       654248384.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1216       |       643872768.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1217       |       655017408.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1218       |       613229760.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1219       |       563752384.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#122        |       629108544.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1220       |       565845504.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1221       |       619004160.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1222       |       645620608.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1223       |       493459648.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1224       |       721915456.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1225       |       588092032.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1226       |       660816128.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1227       |       593503488.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1228       |       568070464.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1229       |       603174656.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#123        |       548241920.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1230       |       630192384.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1231       |       608082944.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1232       |       743199360.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1233       |       630175680.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1234       |       725502016.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1235       |       573174464.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1236       |       559478528.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1237       |       712715840.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1238       |       482196768.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1239       |       688093376.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#124        |       530165792.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#1240       |       641815936.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#125        |       534222816.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#126        |       638908672.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#127        |       618720128.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#128        |       571249280.000000        |       
|       1997    |       MFGR#129        |       584183936.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#121        |       381464640.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1210       |       335711264.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1211       |       381413504.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1212       |       416853216.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1213       |       274528544.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1214       |       321318624.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1215       |       358404448.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1216       |       393639104.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1217       |       363930912.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1218       |       364725792.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1219       |       364337984.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#122        |       392272992.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1220       |       316099488.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1221       |       318731680.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1222       |       326961312.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1223       |       368606624.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1224       |       395545792.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1225       |       385398528.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1226       |       409641280.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1227       |       303716000.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1228       |       332407776.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1229       |       368823104.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#123        |       410870944.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1230       |       353565312.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1231       |       346221184.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1232       |       372917312.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1233       |       332307264.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1234       |       444282624.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1235       |       361972416.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1236       |       320125344.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1237       |       309277088.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1238       |       252431488.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1239       |       400175072.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#124        |       309643584.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#1240       |       344323552.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#125        |       302823584.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#126        |       272220288.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#127        |       358767872.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#128        |       338572960.000000        |       
|       1998    |       MFGR#129        |       319373824.000000        |       

280 rows

Execution Time: 5336.66898 ms

Note that this execution is not representative for the performance of CoGaDB.

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