Column-oriented GPU-accelerated Database Management System
CoGaDB::SQL::Parser Class Reference

A Bison parser. More...

#include <sql_parser.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for CoGaDB::SQL::Parser:

List of all members.


union  semantic_type
 Symbol semantic values. More...
struct  token
 Tokens. More...

Public Types

typedef location location_type
 Symbol locations.
typedef token::yytokentype token_type
 Token type.
typedef int debug_level_type
 Type for debugging levels.

Public Member Functions

 Parser (CoGaDB::SQL::Driver &driver_yyarg, CoGaDB::SQL::Scanner::type &scanner_yyarg)
 Build a parser object.
virtual ~Parser ()
virtual int parse ()
std::ostream & debug_stream () const
 The current debugging stream.
void set_debug_stream (std::ostream &)
 Set the current debugging stream.
debug_level_type debug_level () const
 The current debugging level.
void set_debug_level (debug_level_type l)
 Set the current debugging level.

Private Types

typedef int state_type
 State numbers.
typedef stack< state_typestate_stack_type
 State stack type.
typedef stack< semantic_typesemantic_stack_type
 Semantic value stack type.
typedef stack< location_typelocation_stack_type
 location stack type.
typedef unsigned char token_number_type
 Internal symbol numbers.
typedef short int rhs_number_type
 A type to store symbol numbers and -1.

Private Member Functions

virtual void error (const location_type &loc, const std::string &msg)
virtual std::string yysyntax_error_ (int yystate, int tok)
virtual void yy_symbol_value_print_ (int yytype, const semantic_type *yyvaluep, const location_type *yylocationp)
 Report a symbol value on the debug stream.
virtual void yy_symbol_print_ (int yytype, const semantic_type *yyvaluep, const location_type *yylocationp)
 Report a symbol on the debug stream.
virtual void yy_reduce_print_ (int r)
 Report on the debug stream that the rule r is going to be reduced.
virtual void yystack_print_ ()
 Print the state stack on the debug stream.
token_number_type yytranslate_ (int t)
 Convert a scanner token number t to a symbol number.
void yydestruct_ (const char *yymsg, int yytype, semantic_type *yyvaluep, location_type *yylocationp)
 Reclaim the memory associated to a symbol.
void yypop_ (unsigned int n=1)
 Pop n symbols the three stacks.

Static Private Member Functions

static bool yy_pact_value_is_default_ (int yyvalue)
static bool yy_table_value_is_error_ (int yyvalue)

Private Attributes

state_stack_type yystate_stack_
 The state stack.
semantic_stack_type yysemantic_stack_
 The semantic value stack.
location_stack_type yylocation_stack_
 The location stack.
int yydebug_
std::ostream * yycdebug_

Static Private Attributes

static const short int yypact_ []
 For a state, the index in yytable_ of its portion.
static const short int yypact_ninf_ = -401
static const unsigned short int yydefact_ []
static const short int yypgoto_ []
static const short int yydefgoto_ []
static const short int yytable_ []
static const short int yytable_ninf_ = -159
static const short int yycheck_ []
static const unsigned char yystos_ []
 For a state, its accessing symbol.
static const unsigned char yyr1_ []
 For a rule, its LHS.
static const unsigned char yyr2_ []
 For a rule, its RHS length.
static const char *const yytname_ []
 For a symbol, its name in clear.
static const rhs_number_type yyrhs_ []
 A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS.
static const unsigned short int yyprhs_ []
 For each rule, the index of the first RHS symbol in yyrhs_.
static const unsigned short int yyrline_ []
 For each rule, its source line number.
static const unsigned short int yytoken_number_ []
 For each scanner token number, its symbol number.
static const int yyeof_ = 0
static const int yylast_ = 607
static const int yynnts_ = 112
static const int yyempty_ = -2
static const int yyfinal_ = 58
static const int yyterror_ = 1
static const int yyerrcode_ = 256
static const int yyntokens_ = 112
static const unsigned int yyuser_token_number_max_ = 355
static const token_number_type yyundef_token_ = 2

Detailed Description

A Bison parser.

Member Typedef Documentation

Type for debugging levels.

location stack type.

Symbol locations.

typedef short int CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::rhs_number_type [private]

A type to store symbol numbers and -1.

Semantic value stack type.

State stack type.

typedef int CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::state_type [private]

State numbers.

typedef unsigned char CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::token_number_type [private]

Internal symbol numbers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Parser::Parser ( CoGaDB::SQL::Driver driver_yyarg,
CoGaDB::SQL::Scanner::type scanner_yyarg 

Build a parser object.

Parser::~Parser ( ) [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

The current debugging level.

References yydebug_.

std::ostream & Parser::debug_stream ( ) const

The current debugging stream.

References yycdebug_.

void Parser::error ( const location_type loc,
const std::string &  msg 
) [private, virtual]

Report a syntax error.

locwhere the syntax error is found.
msga description of the syntax error.

References driver, and CoGaDB::SQL::Driver::error().

Referenced by parse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Parser::parse ( ) [virtual]


0 iff parsing succeeded.

Lookahead and lookahead in internal form.

Semantic value of the lookahead.

Location of the lookahead.

The locations where the error started and ended.



References CoGaDB::ADD, CoGaDB::ASCENDING, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::atom_expression, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::attribute, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::attribute_type, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::column_list, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::create_table, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::cross_join, CoGaDB::DESCENDING, CoGaDB::DIV, driver, error(), CoGaDB::FLOAT, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::function_expression, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::inner_join, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::insert_into, CoGaDB::INT, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::join, CoGaDB::MUL, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::order_by, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::ordering_spec, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::predicate, CoGaDB::SQL::stack< T, S >::push(), CoGaDB::SQL::Driver::result, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::scalar_expression, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::scalar_expression_list, scanner, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::schema, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::search_condition, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::select_from, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::sort_order, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::statement, CoGaDB::SUB, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::table, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::table_expression, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::table_name, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::table_reference, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::table_reference_list, CoGaDB::SQL::Parser::semantic_type::tuple, CoGaDB::SQL::Driver::unsupported(), CoGaDB::VARCHAR, yy_pact_value_is_default_(), YY_REDUCE_PRINT, YY_STACK_PRINT, YY_SYMBOL_PRINT, yy_table_value_is_error_(), YYABORT, YYCDEBUG, yycheck_, yydefact_, yydefgoto_, yydestruct_(), yyempty_, yyeof_, yyfinal_, yylast_, yylex, YYLLOC_DEFAULT, yylocation_stack_, yylval, yyntokens_, yypact_, yypgoto_, yypop_(), yyr1_, yyr2_, yysemantic_stack_, yystate_stack_, yystos_, yysyntax_error_(), yytable_, yyterror_, yytranslate_(), and CoGaDB::zero.

Referenced by CoGaDB::SQL::Driver::parse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Set the current debugging level.

References yydebug_.

Referenced by CoGaDB::SQL::Driver::Driver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Parser::set_debug_stream ( std::ostream &  o)

Set the current debugging stream.

References yycdebug_.

bool Parser::yy_pact_value_is_default_ ( int  yyvalue) [inline, static, private]

Whether the given yypact_ value indicates a defaulted state.

yyvaluethe value to check

References yypact_ninf_.

Referenced by parse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Parser::yy_reduce_print_ ( int  r) [private, virtual]

Report on the debug stream that the rule r is going to be reduced.

References YY_SYMBOL_PRINT, yycdebug_, yylocation_stack_, yyprhs_, yyr2_, yyrhs_, yyrline_, and yysemantic_stack_.

void Parser::yy_symbol_print_ ( int  yytype,
const semantic_type yyvaluep,
const location_type yylocationp 
) [private, virtual]

Report a symbol on the debug stream.

yytypeThe token type.
yyvaluepIts semantic value.
yylocationpIts location.

References yy_symbol_value_print_(), yycdebug_, yyntokens_, and yytname_.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Parser::yy_symbol_value_print_ ( int  yytype,
const semantic_type yyvaluep,
const location_type yylocationp 
) [inline, private, virtual]

Report a symbol value on the debug stream.

yytypeThe token type.
yyvaluepIts semantic value.
yylocationpIts location.

References YYUSE.

Referenced by yy_symbol_print_().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool Parser::yy_table_value_is_error_ ( int  yyvalue) [inline, static, private]

Whether the given yytable_ value indicates a syntax error.

yyvaluethe value to check

References yytable_ninf_.

Referenced by parse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Parser::yydestruct_ ( const char *  yymsg,
int  yytype,
semantic_type yyvaluep,
location_type yylocationp 
) [inline, private]

Reclaim the memory associated to a symbol.

yymsgWhy this token is reclaimed.
yytypeThe symbol type.
yyvaluepIts semantic value.
yylocationpIts location.

References YY_SYMBOL_PRINT, and YYUSE.

Referenced by parse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Parser::yypop_ ( unsigned int  n = 1) [inline, private]

Pop n symbols the three stacks.

References CoGaDB::SQL::stack< T, S >::pop(), yylocation_stack_, yysemantic_stack_, and yystate_stack_.

Referenced by parse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Parser::yystack_print_ ( ) [private, virtual]

Print the state stack on the debug stream.

References CoGaDB::SQL::stack< T, S >::begin(), CoGaDB::SQL::stack< T, S >::end(), yycdebug_, and yystate_stack_.

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::string Parser::yysyntax_error_ ( int  yystate,
int  tok 
) [private, virtual]

Generate an error message.

statethe state where the error occurred.
tokthe lookahead token.

References YY_.

Referenced by parse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Convert a scanner token number t to a symbol number.

References yyundef_token_, and yyuser_token_number_max_.

Referenced by parse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

const short int Parser::yycheck_ [static, private]

Referenced by parse().

const unsigned short int Parser::yydefact_ [static, private]

For a state, default reduction number. Unlessyytable_ specifies something else to do. Zero means the default is an error.

Referenced by parse().

const short int Parser::yydefgoto_ [static, private]
Initial value:
        -1,    14,    15,    16,   147,   148,   149,    17,   157,   158,
     159,   294,   351,   160,   178,   151,   445,   110,   152,   448,
     218,   219,   220,   418,   419,    18,    45,   117,   321,   322,
     323,   377,   441,   442,   462,   368,   369,   472,   435,   436,
      19,    20,    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,   181,   317,   318,
      26,    27,    28,    29,    30,    51,    31,   138,   139,    32,
     106,   107,   104,    33,    34,    35,    79,   126,   127,   191,
     192,   193,   194,   195,   267,   412,   413,   105,   272,   373,
     333,   166,   167,   168,   169,   170,   362,   171,   172,   358,
     173,   307,   174,   241,   175,    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,
      86,   196,    87,   237,   179,    37,    46,    88,   409,   269,
     420,    94

Referenced by parse().

const int Parser::yyempty_ = -2 [static, private]

Referenced by parse().

const int Parser::yyeof_ = 0 [static, private]

Referenced by parse().

const int Parser::yyerrcode_ = 256 [static, private]
const int Parser::yyfinal_ = 58 [static, private]

Referenced by parse().

const int Parser::yylast_ = 607 [static, private]

Referenced by parse().

const int Parser::yynnts_ = 112 [static, private]
const int Parser::yyntokens_ = 112 [static, private]

Referenced by parse(), and yy_symbol_print_().

const short int Parser::yypact_ [static, private]

For a state, the index in yytable_ of its portion.

Referenced by parse().

const short int Parser::yypact_ninf_ = -401 [static, private]
const short int Parser::yypgoto_ [static, private]
Initial value:
      -401,  -401,   565,  -401,  -401,  -401,   435,   -15,  -401,   355,
    -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -217,  -401,  -401,  -141,  -401,  -401,
    -401,  -401,   302,  -401,   138,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,
     264,   131,  -401,   126,   145,  -401,   222,  -401,  -401,   156,
    -400,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,   227,
    -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,   -47,  -401,  -401,   385,  -401,
     470,   417,   103,   -13,   -19,  -105,   -89,  -183,  -401,  -401,
    -180,   409,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,
    -401,  -149,  -401,  -401,  -401,  -401,   242,  -401,  -401,   246,
    -401,  -401,  -401,  -196,   -39,   474,  -401,  -233,   -50,  -401,
     252,   -10,  -100,   159,   -79,    -1,  -401,   -86,  -401,  -401,
     -44,   507

Referenced by parse().

const unsigned short int Parser::yyprhs_ [static, private]
Initial value:
         0,     0,     3,     6,    10,    12,    18,    19,    21,    23,
      26,    28,    30,    32,    39,    41,    45,    47,    49,    53,
      54,    57,    60,    64,    69,    72,    75,    78,    83,    86,
      92,    97,   103,   111,   122,   127,   129,   133,   141,   142,
     146,   147,   151,   159,   160,   164,   167,   169,   171,   173,
     177,   179,   181,   183,   186,   189,   191,   195,   197,   199,
     201,   210,   211,   213,   215,   217,   219,   221,   223,   225,
     226,   228,   230,   233,   240,   241,   245,   247,   251,   254,
     257,   258,   260,   262,   264,   267,   273,   275,   278,   280,
     283,   286,   288,   290,   292,   294,   296,   298,   300,   302,
     304,   306,   308,   310,   312,   314,   316,   319,   322,   330,
     335,   340,   346,   351,   353,   355,   359,   361,   363,   366,
     369,   376,   378,   380,   381,   383,   385,   394,   395,   397,
     401,   405,   409,   415,   417,   421,   423,   424,   426,   428,
     432,   437,   439,   443,   448,   450,   452,   458,   461,   463,
     467,   469,   472,   474,   476,   478,   482,   487,   493,   494,
     496,   497,   499,   502,   505,   506,   510,   512,   516,   517,
     520,   524,   528,   531,   535,   537,   539,   541,   543,   545,
     547,   549,   551,   555,   559,   566,   572,   578,   583,   584,
     587,   592,   596,   603,   609,   616,   622,   624,   628,   633,
     635,   637,   639,   642,   649,   653,   657,   661,   665,   668,
     671,   673,   675,   677,   681,   683,   687,   689,   693,   695,
     697,   699,   701,   704,   708,   713,   719,   725,   730,   732,
     734,   736,   738,   742,   744,   748,   754,   756,   761,   763,
     768,   770,   775,   782,   784,   789,   796,   798,   800,   802,
     807,   809,   812,   814,   816,   818,   821,   823,   825,   827,
     832,   836,   839

For each rule, the index of the first RHS symbol in yyrhs_.

Referenced by yy_reduce_print_().

const unsigned char Parser::yyr1_ [static, private]
Initial value:
         0,   112,   113,   113,   114,   115,   116,   116,   117,   117,
     118,   118,   118,   119,   120,   120,   121,   121,   122,   123,
     123,   124,   124,   124,   124,   124,   124,   124,   124,   124,
     125,   125,   125,   125,   125,   126,   126,   127,   128,   128,
     129,   129,   130,   131,   131,   132,   132,   132,   133,   133,
     134,   134,   134,   134,   134,   135,   135,   136,   136,   114,
     137,   138,   138,   139,   139,   139,   139,   139,   139,   140,
     140,   141,   141,   142,   143,   143,   144,   144,   145,   145,
     146,   146,   146,   147,   147,   148,   149,   149,   150,   150,
     151,   151,   114,   152,   152,   152,   152,   152,   152,   152,
     152,   152,   152,   152,   152,   152,   153,   154,   155,   156,
     157,   158,   159,   159,   160,   160,   161,   161,   162,   163,
     164,   165,   166,   167,   167,   167,   168,   169,   169,   169,
     170,   170,   171,   172,   172,   173,   174,   174,   175,   175,
     175,   176,   176,   177,   178,   178,   179,   180,   181,   181,
     182,   182,   182,   183,   183,   183,   184,   185,   186,   186,
     187,   187,   188,   189,   190,   190,   191,   191,   192,   192,
     193,   193,   193,   193,   193,   194,   194,   194,   194,   194,
     194,   194,   195,   195,   196,   196,   197,   197,   198,   198,
     199,   199,   200,   200,   200,   200,   201,   201,   202,   203,
     203,   203,   204,   205,   206,   206,   206,   206,   206,   206,
     206,   206,   206,   206,   207,   207,   208,   208,   209,   209,
     209,   210,   210,   210,   211,   211,   211,   211,   212,   212,
     212,   213,   213,   214,   214,   214,   215,   215,   215,   215,
     215,   215,   215,   215,   215,   215,   215,   215,   215,   215,
     215,   215,   216,   217,   218,   219,   220,   221,   222,   114,
     114,   223,   223

For a rule, its LHS.

Referenced by parse().

const unsigned char Parser::yyr2_ [static, private]
Initial value:
         0,     2,     2,     3,     1,     5,     0,     1,     1,     2,
       1,     1,     1,     6,     1,     3,     1,     1,     3,     0,
       2,     2,     3,     4,     2,     2,     2,     4,     2,     5,
       4,     5,     7,    10,     4,     1,     3,     7,     0,     3,
       0,     3,     7,     0,     3,     2,     1,     1,     1,     3,
       1,     1,     1,     2,     2,     1,     3,     1,     1,     1,
       8,     0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0,
       1,     1,     2,     6,     0,     3,     1,     3,     2,     2,
       0,     1,     1,     1,     2,     5,     1,     2,     1,     2,
       2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
       1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     2,     2,     7,     4,
       4,     5,     4,     1,     1,     3,     1,     1,     2,     2,
       6,     1,     1,     0,     1,     1,     8,     0,     1,     3,
       3,     3,     5,     1,     3,     1,     0,     1,     1,     3,
       4,     1,     3,     4,     1,     1,     5,     2,     1,     3,
       1,     2,     1,     1,     1,     3,     4,     5,     0,     1,
       0,     1,     2,     2,     0,     3,     1,     3,     0,     2,
       3,     3,     2,     3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
       1,     1,     3,     3,     6,     5,     5,     4,     0,     2,
       4,     3,     6,     5,     6,     5,     1,     3,     4,     1,
       1,     1,     2,     6,     3,     3,     3,     3,     2,     2,
       1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     3,     1,     3,     1,     1,
       1,     1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     5,     4,     1,     1,
       1,     1,     3,     1,     3,     5,     1,     4,     1,     4,
       1,     4,     6,     1,     4,     6,     1,     1,     1,     4,
       1,     2,     1,     1,     1,     2,     1,     1,     1,     4,
       3,     2,     1

For a rule, its RHS length.

Referenced by parse(), and yy_reduce_print_().

const Parser::rhs_number_type Parser::yyrhs_ [static, private]

A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS.

Referenced by yy_reduce_print_().

const unsigned short int Parser::yyrline_ [static, private]
Initial value:
         0,   222,   222,   229,   238,   242,   245,   247,   251,   252,
     256,   257,   258,   262,   271,   276,   285,   286,   290,   297,
     299,   303,   304,   305,   306,   307,   308,   309,   310,   311,
     315,   316,   317,   319,   321,   325,   326,   330,   334,   336,
     340,   341,   345,   349,   351,   355,   356,   357,   361,   362,
     366,   367,   368,   369,   370,   375,   376,   380,   381,   385,
     389,   396,   398,   402,   403,   404,   405,   406,   407,   410,
     412,   416,   417,   421,   426,   429,   436,   443,   454,   458,
     466,   467,   468,   472,   473,   477,   482,   483,   487,   488,
     492,   493,   499,   503,   504,   505,   506,   507,   508,   509,
     510,   511,   512,   513,   514,   515,   519,   523,   527,   531,
     535,   539,   548,   550,   555,   560,   569,   570,   575,   579,
     583,   589,   593,   599,   601,   602,   606,   610,   611,   612,
     616,   617,   621,   625,   626,   630,   634,   635,   641,   642,
     643,   647,   648,   652,   661,   662,   672,   688,   692,   697,
     706,   707,   708,   712,   713,   714,   718,   727,   736,   738,
     742,   743,   748,   752,   756,   757,   761,   766,   774,   776,
     782,   788,   794,   795,   796,   800,   801,   802,   803,   804,
     805,   806,   810,   816,   823,   830,   840,   841,   844,   846,
     850,   851,   855,   856,   857,   858,   862,   863,   867,   871,
     872,   873,   877,   881,   887,   893,   899,   905,   911,   915,
     924,   928,   933,   937,   944,   945,   954,   959,   969,   970,
     971,   975,   976,   977,   981,   982,   983,   984,   992,   997,
    1002,  1012,  1017,  1024,  1025,  1026,  1032,  1034,  1036,  1038,
    1040,  1042,  1044,  1046,  1048,  1050,  1052,  1054,  1056,  1058,
    1060,  1062,  1068,  1071,  1074,  1078,  1081,  1084,  1087,  1091,
    1092,  1095,  1096

For each rule, its source line number.

Referenced by yy_reduce_print_().

The semantic value stack.

Referenced by parse(), yy_reduce_print_(), and yypop_().

const unsigned char Parser::yystos_ [static, private]

For a state, its accessing symbol.

Referenced by parse().

const short int Parser::yytable_ [static, private]

What to do in a state. yytable_[yypact_[s]]: what to do in state s.

  • if positive, shift that token.
  • if negative, reduce the rule which number is the opposite.
  • if zero, do what YYDEFACT says.

Referenced by parse().

const short int Parser::yytable_ninf_ = -159 [static, private]
const int Parser::yyterror_ = 1 [static, private]

Referenced by parse().

const char *const Parser::yytname_ [static, private]

For a symbol, its name in clear.

Referenced by yy_symbol_print_().

const unsigned short int Parser::yytoken_number_ [static, private]
Initial value:
         0,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,   262,   263,   264,
     265,   266,    43,    45,    42,    47,   267,   268,   269,   270,
     271,   272,   273,   274,   275,   276,   277,   278,   279,   280,
     281,   282,   283,   284,   285,   286,   287,   288,   289,   290,
     291,   292,   293,   294,   295,   296,   297,   298,   299,   300,
     301,   302,   303,   304,   305,   306,   307,   308,   309,   310,
     311,   312,   313,   314,   315,   316,   317,   318,   319,   320,
     321,   322,   323,   324,   325,   326,   327,   328,   329,   330,
     331,   332,   333,   334,   335,   336,   337,   338,   339,   340,
     341,   342,   343,   344,   345,   346,   347,   348,   349,   350,
     351,   352,   353,   354,   355,    59,    40,    41,    44,    61,
      46,    58

For each scanner token number, its symbol number.

Referenced by yytranslate_().

const unsigned int Parser::yyuser_token_number_max_ = 355 [static, private]

Referenced by yytranslate_().

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