A Hybrid Query Processing Engine for Effective GPU Coprocessing in Databases

HyPE is a hybrid query processing engine build for automatic selection of processing units for coprocessing in database systems. The long-term goal of the project is to implement a fully fledged query processing engine, which is able to automatically generate and optimize a hybrid CPU/GPU physical query plan from a logical query plan. It is a research prototype developed by the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in collaboration with Ilmenau University of Technology and TU Dortmund University.

HyPE Logo


Currently, HyPE supports the following features:

  • Entirely written in C++
  • Decides on the (likely) optimal algorithm w.r.t. to a user specified optimization criterion for an operation
  • Unrestricted use in parallel applications due to thread-safety
  • Easily extensible by utilizing a plug-in architecture
  • New: Runs under Linux and Windows
  • New: Supports the following compilers: g++ (>=4.5), clang, and Visual C++
  • Requires (almost) no knowledge about executed algorithms, just the relevant features of the datasets for an algorithms execution time
  • Collects statistical information to help the user to fine tune HyPE's parameters for their use case
  • Provides a parallel execution engine for operators
  • Download

    We regularly release new versions of HyPE here. You can find the documentation of the current version here.

    Current Release

  • HyPE Library (Version 0.22)
  • Older Releases

  • HyPE Library (Version 0.2)
  • HyPE Library (Version 0.1)
  • Contact

    HyPE is mainly developed at the University of Magdeburg, Germany. It is open source so that everybody who is interested can extend/improve it. For information about the project, technical questions and bug reports: please contact the development team via Sebastian Breß.

    Project Members: Project Partners:
    • Felix Beier (Ilmenau University of Technology)
    • Ladjel Bellatreche (LIAS/ISEA-ENSMA, Futuroscope, France)
    • Max Heimel (Technische Universität Berlin)
    • Hannes Rauhe (Ilmenau University of Technology)
    • Kai-Uwe Sattler (Ilmenau University of Technology)
    Former Project Members:
    • Klaus Baumann (University of Magdeburg)
    • Ingolf Geist (University of Magdeburg)
    • Robin Haberkorn (University of Magdeburg)
    • Steven Ladewig (University of Magdeburg)

    Project Publications

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