AMR 2004



Andreas N�rnberger

University of Magdeburg

School of Computer Science

Magdeburg, Germany 

Marcin Detyniecki

Laboratoire d'Informatique Paris, CNRS Paris, France

Philippe Joly

Universit� Paul Sabatier, IRIT

Toulouse, France



Program Committee:

Jenny Benois-Pineau

University of Bordeaux

LABRI, France

Pia Borlund

Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark  

Bogdan Gabrys

Bournemouth University

United Kingdom 

Ana M. Garc�a Serrano

Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid Spain

Sebastian Goeser

IBM Germany Development Ltd.


Anthony Jameson



Joemon M. Jose

University of Glasgow

United Kingdom

Stefanos Kollias

National Technical University of Athens


Stephane Marchand-Maillet

University of Geneva


Ferran Marques

Universidad Politecnica de Catalu�a


Trevor Martin

University of Bristol

United Kingdom

Jos� Mar�a Mart�nez S�nchez

Universidad Aut�noma de Madrid


Philippe Salembier

Universidad Politecnica de Catalu�a


Ingo Schmitt

University of Magdeburg


Alan F. Smeaton

Dublin City University




Sponsored by:




2nd International Workshop on

Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval


Part of ECAI 2004

22-27 August 2004

Universidad Polit�cnica de Valencia, Spain

( - printer friendly PDF version - )



Following events of this workshop series:

Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2005 (AMR 2005), 28-29 July 2005 in Glasgow, UK.

Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2006 (AMR 2006), 27-28 July 2006, University of Geneva, Switzerland



So far, several approaches have been developed that tackle specific problems of the retrieval process, e.g. feature extraction methods for multimedia data, query languages, problem specific similarity measures and interactive user interfaces. However, in most cases the user still needs several steps in order to find the searched objects. The main reasons for this are on the one hand, the users� difficulty in specifying their interests in the form of a well defined query (which is partially caused by inappropriate user interfaces), on the other hand, the problem of extracting relevant features from the multimedia objects. Furthermore, user specific interests and the search context are usually neglected when objects are retrieved.

To improve today�s retrieval tools and thus the overall satisfaction of a user, it is necessary to develop intelligent methods that are able to support the user in the search process, e.g. by providing additional user adapted information about the search results as well as the data collection itself and especially by adapting the retrieval tool to the user�s needs and interests.

The goals of the workshop are to intensify the exchange of ideas between different research communities, to provide an overview of current activities in this area and to point out connections between the diverse involved research communities and research in AI.

Topics of interest:  

The workshop focuses especially on researchers that are working on feature extraction techniques for multimedia, computer linguistic approaches, (dynamic) data analysis methods, and visualization methods as well as user interface design. Therefore, contributions to the workshop should focus on, but are not limited to:

  • Multimedia retrieval systems (for text, image, audio, video and mixed-media)

  • Theoretical foundations of multimedia retrieval and mining

  • Intelligent multimedia data modeling, indexing and structure extraction

  • Adaptive Hypermedia and web based systems

  • Metadata for multimedia retrieval

  • Multimedia and multi-modal mining

  • Semantic content analysis for multimedia

  • Semantic web and ontologies

  • Adaptive query languages

  • Similarity measures (especially user adaptive measures)

  • User and preference modeling (including feedback models)

  • Methods for adaptive data visualization and user interfaces


Submissions should be formatted according to Springer LNCS style (for details see the Springer LNCS web-pages). Papers should have about 10 pages but should not exceed 15 pages and should be submitted electronically in PDF or postscript format to Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Important Dates:  

April 11, 2004:  

Deadline for paper submission

May 17, 2004:

Notification of acceptance/rejection

June 5, 2004:

Deadline for submission of final papers


The program of the workshop can be found here.


The workshop will take place during the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004) in Valencia, Spain. Information about the venue, hotels, etc. are provided on the web pages of the main conference.


Participation at the workshop requires registration for ECAI 2004. See the conference web site for details.

Additional Information:  

For all enquiries regarding the workshop please contact one of the organizers.

Previous Venues:  

Information about last years workshop at KI 2003 can be found here: AMR 2003